Creating an FMEDA

Creating an FMEDA (ISO26262) file

Precondition: A BOM (SN29500) was created. 

  1. Open the New FMEDA dialog.
  2. Select the BOM SN29500.
  3. Select the ISO26262 calculation schema.
  4. Enter an Operating time and PMHF metric.
Creating an FMEDA (IEC61508) file

Precondition: A BOM (IEC62380) was created. 

  1. Open the New FMEDA dialog.
  2. Select the BOM IEC62380.
  3. Select the IEC61508 calculation schema.
  4. Select a System type and HFT level.
Modifying Operating time & PMHF metric after FMEDA was created

Precondition: An FMEDA was created.

  1. Open the Properties for FMEDA dialog.
Creating Functions
  1. Navigate to the Functions view.
  2. Open the Add new Function dialog.
Assigning Functions
  1. Navigate to the Functions view.
  2. Use drag & drop to assign Functions.
Creating Malfunctions
  1. Select a Function.
  2. Open the Add new Malfunction dialog.

Assigning Failure Modes

Assigning System & Hardware Functions and Malfunctions from the Functions view

Precondition: Functions and Malfunctions were created.

  1. Navigate to the Functions view.
  2. Drag & drop a Malfunction into the corresponding Hardware or System cell.
Assigning System & Hardware Functions and Malfunctions from FMEA

Precondition: An FMEA was created.

  1. Navigate to the PSS view.
  2. Drag & drop a Malfunction into the corresponding Hardware or System cell.
Assigning System & Hardware Functions and Malfunctions from FMEA Failure Net

Precondition: An FMEA was created.

  1. Navigate to the Failure net view.
  2. Drag & drop a Malfunction into the corresponding Hardware or System cell.
Assigning System & Hardware Functions and Malfunctions from the Clipboard view & FMEA

Precondition: An FMEA was created.

  1. Navigate to the Clipboard view.
  2. Drag a Function and drop it over the field >>Drag<<.
  3. Open the Create a new FMEDA file dialog.
  4. Drag & drop a Malfunction into the corresponding Hardware or System cell.

Diagnoses & Safety Calculation

Creating Diagnosis Groups
  1. Navigate to the Diagnoses view.
  2. Open the New diagnosis group dialog.
Creating Diagnoses
  1. Select a Diagnosis Group.
  2. Open the New Diagnosis dialog.
Calculating FMEDA according to ISO26262
  1. Activate the calculation.
  2. Set a diagnosis.
  3. Enter FMC (SP) & (MP).

FMEDA Report

Creating FMEDA report
  1. Open an FMEDA.
  2. Open the FMEDA Report dialog.
Creating FMEDA report using sample configuration

Precondition: FMEDA document was created and opened

  1. Open the FMEDA Report dialog.
  2. Add a new report configuration.
  3. Create sample configuration.
Editing sampe configuration

You can configure the sheet order, layout, page header and footer, column width, cell range, background colors, font size of certain values etc. For more information see the corresponding documentation.

  1. Select the configuration to be edited.
  2. Perform editings.

The sheet order is usually given by the unmodified report. In the case of adding frontCoverExcel sheets, the order of the standard report pages will be shifted by the number of sheets in the frontCoverExcel

defaultSheetConfiguration defines default configurations for all sheets.

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