Creating a HARA File

  1. Open the New HARA file dialog.
  2. Create and assign system elements.
  3. Choose a safety level specification (ASIL, SIL, AGPL).

Ratings, Parameter & Evaluation

Creating Functions
  1. Select a system element.
  2. Open the new function dialog.
Creating Malfunctions
  1. Select a function.
  2. Open the new malfunction dialog.
Adding Situation Parameters and Effects
  1. Add/select a choice list for the corresponding parameter.
  2. Select a parameter.
Different Possibilities for Adding Situation Parameters

The following video shows different possibilities for adding situation parameters and the handling with situation catalogs.

Creating Safety Goals
  1. Navigate to the project safety goals view.
  2. Open the new safety goal dialog.
Evaluation of the Safety Performance Level
  • For ISO26262 (ASIL or MSIL)
    Evaluations for S (severity), E (exposure) and C (controllability).
  • For IEC61508 (SIL)
    Evaluations for S (severity), A (presence), G (avoidance), W (probability of endurance).
  • For IECI3849 (PL)
    Evaluations for S (severity), F (presence), P (avoidance).
  • For ISO25119 (AgPL)
    Evaluations for S (severity), E (exposure), C (controllability)

Make a double-click into the cell to edit the corresponding value. For reason, effect and hazard
parameters there is the possibility to create customized choice lists

Adding the Probability of Occurrence
  1. Select the frequency.
  2. Select the duration.
  3. Enter (create) a reason for the e-value.
The Permutations Matrix
  1. Open the permutation matrix wizard.
  2. Add/Select catalogs.
  3. Select the malfunctions to be considered.
  4. Select the desired values.
  5. Select the desired permutations.

Choice Lists

Creating Choice Lists
  1. Open the Catalogs View
  2. Create a Folder
  3. Open the new choice list dialog.
  4. Enter some entries.
Export Choice Lists to Excel
  1. Open the choice list.
  2. Hit the export to Excel button.
  3. Select a directory on your system.

Useful features

Copying Ratings
  1. Select the cells to be copied.
  2. Press Ctrl + C (Copy).
  3. Select the cell in which the copied content should be pasted.
  4. Press Ctrl + V (Paste).
Delete Ratings
  1. Select the rating.
  2. Click the Remove selected ratings button.


Export HARA File to Excel
  1. Click the Export button.
  2. Enter a filename and a directory.
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