Creating an ATA

Creating an ATA file
  1. Open the New ATA file dialog.
  2. Enter a Filename.
  3. Select the Norm.
  4. Select Profile.
  5. Assign a Threat/Threat Scenario (if available) or create a new one.
Creating Gates
  1. Select Gate Type from the palette.
  2. Click the object in the editor the Gate has to be added to.
  3. Enter a Name.


  1. Right click the object in the editor the Gate has to be added to.
  2. Select New/Gate.
  3. Enter a Name.
Creating Events
  1. Select Event Type from the palette.
  2. Click the object in the editor the Asset Attack has to be added to.
  3. Enter a Name.


  1. Right click the object in the editor the Asset Attack has to be added to.
  2. Select New/Event.
  3. Enter a Name.
Calculating of feasibility level
  1. Open the ATA Node tab.
  2. Select the parameters.
  3. Calculate Feasibility Level.
Propagating attack feasibility

Precondition: at least one node in each branch has the manually set rating (usually the lowest level node).

  1. Right click an element.
  2. Select the Propagate Likelihood/Feasibility menu item.

The critical path of the attack tree is represented in the color corresponding to the attack feasibility rating derived for top level threat.

For an AND gate the lower attack feasibility is propagated.

For an OR gate the higher attack feasibility is propagated.

Paste and Paste Referenced

The Copy / Paste feature creates the gates with the new IDs. The created gates inherite the colors of the copied gates.

The Copy / Paste reference feature adds the same already copied gate to the selected one. The pasted special gate keeps the gate ID, color and definitions with the ID. These gates get also the corresponding icon.

  1. Copy a gate of the Output ATA document.
  2. Paste it into the root gate of the ATA document.
  3. Copy a gate of the Output ATA document.
  4. Paste referenced the copied gate into a gate of the ATA document.
Change Gate Type
  1. Select the Gate which should change its gate type.
  2. Change gate type.
Change Element Category Type
  1. Select the Gate which should change its element category type.
  2. Change element type.


Exporting as a Picture
  1. Open an ATA.
  2. Open the Export Diagram dialog.
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