EnCo SOX – Die Engineering Workbench

EnCo SOX TÜV Safety and Security Tool Zertifizierung

verfügbar ab Ende Q1 2025

Die Verwaltung von Sicherheits- und Schutzanforderungen in Engineering-Projekten kann mit unterschiedlichen, nicht integrierten Tools herausfordernd sein. Dies führt oft zu Ineffizienzen, Schwierigkeiten bei der Zusammenarbeit und Problemen bei der Einhaltung von Vorschriften.

Stellen Sie sich vor, wie ärgerlich es ist, wenn durch verschiedene Versionen Inkonsistenzen entstehen, der Stress vor einer bevorstehenden Prüfung ohne passende Compliance-Lösungen oder die doppelte Arbeit, die Ihr Projekt und das Team belastet.

Mit EnCo SOX optimieren Sie das Management von Sicherheits- und Schutzanforderungen. Unsere integrierte Plattform bietet Ihnen eine zentrale Datenverwaltung, Echtzeit-Zusammenarbeit und nahtlose Integration, um Ihre Prozesse zu optimieren und die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu gewährleisten.

Zentrale Datenverwaltung

Nutzen Sie eine einzigartige, leistungsstarke Server-Datenbankstruktur mit zentraler Datenverwaltung.

Multi-User Arbeiten in Echtzeit

Dank der zentralen MySQL Datenbank können sie mit beliebig vielen nutzern gleichzeitig an Ihren Projekten arbeiten.

Individuelle Workflows

Erstellen Sie individuelle Workflows mit einem benutzerfreundlichen grafischen Editor.


Nutzen Sie SysML 1.6/UML 2.0-Elemente und -Schnittstellen mit allen Standarddiagrammen.

Requirements Engineering

Sichern Sie die durchgängige Traceability von Entwicklungsartefakten bis hin zu Testergebnissen, mit variablen Anforderungstypen und zahlreichen Attributen auf Basis von ReqIF.

Qualitätssicherung und Tests

Erstellen Sie individuelle Testsuiten, Testfälle und Testschritte für umfassende Verifikations- und Validierungsprozesse, einschließlich vollständiger Testdurchläufe.


Führen Sie Risikoanalysen (HARA, TARA) durch und sichern Sie die Einhaltung von Standards wie ISO 26262, IEC 61508, ISO 25119 und ISO 21434.

Safety & Security Analysen

Verlassen Sie sich auf integrierte Lösungen für HARA, FMEA (VDA 6.3), FMEDA, FTA, TARA und ATA nach ISO 21434.


Stellen Sie die lückenlose Rückverfolgbarkeit in allen Phasen Ihres Safety- und Security-Engineering-Prozesses sicher.

Offene Schnittstellen

Nutzen Sie offene Schnittstellen wie XML, XMI und Excel.

Umfangreiche Kataloge

Verwenden Sie versionsbasierte Kataloge, um Daten in verschiedenen Projekten wiederzuverwenden.


Erstellen Sie verschiedene Versionen Ihrer Projekte und verfolgen Sie den aktuellen Status sowie die vollständige Änderungshistorie aller Anforderungen.

EnCo SOX bietet bidirektionale Synchronisation mit

Click an icon to learn more about the bi-directional integrations of EnCo SOX
Intland Codebeamer PTC Windchill Jama Connect IBM Doors Jira Polarion

Intland Codebeamer

SOX supports full integration and bi-directional data transfer with Intland codebeamer platform, a major standard in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).

– Two-way periodic synchronization of artifacts (tracker items) with CB Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronize data changes as well as structural changes (addition, removal, and relocation of tracker items)
– Administration and configuration of the synchronization via web interface
– Supports test-driving of the configuration to validate the outcome before activating periodic synchronization.
– Flexible selection of items to synchronize via CbQL and regular expressions
– Selection of fields to synchronize including data transformation strategies and synchronization direction (to SOX, from SOX, both)
– Synchronized artifacts can be managed in SOX as Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronized artifacts can be used as selection items (e.g., Situations, Test Cases, Requirements, Safety & Security Goals, …) in Hazard Analysis, FMEA, Design, FMEDA, FTA, TARA, ATA and other SOX modules.


PTC Windchill

SOX supports full integration and bi-directional data transfer with PTC Windchill, a major player in the areas of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), collaboration tools and Quality Assurance (QA).

– Two-way periodic synchronization of artifacts with Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronize data changes as well as structural changes (addition, removak, and relocation of items)
– Administration and configuration of the synchronization via web interface
– Supports test-driving of the configuration to validate the outcome before activating periodic synchronization.
– Selection of fields to synchronize including data transformation strategies and synchronization direction (to SOX, from SOX, both)
– Synchronized artifacts can be managed in SOX as Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronized artifacts can be used as selection items (e.g., Situations, Test Cases, Requirements, Safety & Security Goals, …) in Hazard Analysis, FMEA, Design, FMEDA, FTA, TARA, ATA and other SOX modules.

Jama Connect

SOX supports full integration and bi-directional data transfer with Jama Connect, an industry standard for requirements management and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

– Two-way periodic synchronization of artifacts with Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronize data changes as well as structural changes (addition, removak, and relocation of items)
– Administration and configuration of the synchronization via web interface
– Synchronized artifacts can be managed in SOX as Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronized artifacts can be used as selection items (e.g., Situations, Test Cases, Requirements, Safety & Security Goals, …) in Hazard Analysis, FMEA, Design, FMEDA, FTA, TARA, ATA and other SOX modules.

IBM Doors

SOX supports full integration and bi-directional data transfer with IBM’s Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® platform, also known as DNG (Doors Next Generation).

– Two-way periodic synchronization of artifacts with Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronize data changes as well as structural changes (addition, removak, and relocation of items)
– Administration and configuration of the synchronization via web interface
– Synchronized artifacts can be managed in SOX as Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronized artifacts can be used as selection items (e.g., Situations, Test Cases, Requirements, Safety & Security Goals, …) in Hazard Analysis, FMEA, Design, FMEDA, FTA, TARA, ATA and other SOX modules.
– Synchronize data changes as well as structural changes (addition, removak, and relocation of items)


SOX supports full integration and bi-directional data transfer with Jira, Atlassian’s collaboration and your workflow management solution.

– Synchronize data changes as well as structural changes (addition, removak, and relocation of items)
– Administration and configuration of the synchronization via web interface


SOX supports full integration and bi-directional data transfer with Polarion, Siemens‘ Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution.

– Two-way periodic synchronization of artifacts with Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronize data changes as well as structural changes (addition, removak, and relocation of items)
– Administration and configuration of the synchronization via web interface
– Synchronized artifacts can be managed in SOX as Requirements and Test Cases.
– Synchronized artifacts can be used as selection items (e.g., Situations, Test Cases, Requirements, Safety & Security Goals, …) in Hazard Analysis, FMEA, Design, FMEDA, FTA, TARA, ATA and other SOX modules.

Schließen Sie sich den innovativen Unternehmen an, die ihre Workflows mit EnCo SOX optimiert haben.


„Fulfillment of Automotive SPICE™ and Functional Safety requirements is much easier with an integrated toolset like SOX.”

Marek Pfau, Systems Engineer, Hanon Systems Deutschland GmbH

EnCo SOX is frequently used in research and teaching due to the increasingly important issues of safety and reliability.”

Simon Schoch, Hochschule Aalen – Technik und Wirtschaft

“Webasto has established SOX globally as the standard tool for FMEDA and FTA over the years. The user-friendly operation of the modules, flexible customisability in the event of sample status changes and a good overview of components and assemblies make it possible to work specifically on potential weak points in a system. The data server is also an essential component for collaborative, global working. These are a few key advantages that contribute to the efficient processing of complex analyses.”

Felix Barthel, Systems Senior Expert Safety Global, Webasto Group