Creating a FMEA

Creating a FMEA File
  1. Open the New FMEA dialog.
  2. Select/Add a root element.
  3. Select PRODUCT as the document type.
  4. Select a rating catalog.
Creating System Elements
  1. Select a system element which should be the parent level element.
  2. Open the Add new System element dialog.
Creating Functions
  1. Select a system element which should be the parent element of the function.
  2. Open the Add new Function dialog.
Creating Malfunctions
  1. Select a function which should be the parent element of the malfunction.
  2. Open the Add new Malfunction dialog.
Connecting Functions and Malfunctions

Functions & malfunction can be connected by drag & drop.

It is important to consider the direction of the link. The direction will be marked with a yellow background.

Adding Safety Goals

Safety goals can be connected by drag & drop.

Adding Action Groups
  1. Select a malfunction.
  2. Open the new action group dialog.

Linking SOX Objects

Adding Tasks
  1. Select a malfunction
  2. Open the assign task dialog.
Adding and Creating Requirements


Precondition: A requirement document with requirements was created. 

  1. Select the desired requirement at the PSS view.
  2. Use drag & drop to link the requirement with a malfunction e.g.


Precondition: A requirement document was created. 

  1. Select a malfunction
  2. Open the new requirement dialog.
Creating and Linking Diagnosis Functions
  1. Select a system element which should be the parent element of the function.
  2. Open the Add new Function dialog.
  3. Select Diagnosis as a function type

Useful features

Opening the FMEA Analysis
  1. Open the repository view.
  2. Select an FMEA.
  3. Open FMEA analysis.
Creating a new FMEA from a System Element
  1. Select a system element which should be the root element of the new FMEA.
  2. Open the Save Element to new FMEA dialog.


Export an FMEA (MSR)
  1. Open the repository view.
  2. Select an FMEA.
  3. Open the MSR Export.
Import FMEA (MSR).
  1. Open the repository view.
  2. Open the MSR Import dialog.
Import Objects with the FMEA Excel Template

Precondition: A FMEA with a root element was created. 

  1. Select a system element.
  2. Open the add Elements\Functions to selected element dialog.
  3. Open the Excel template on your system.
  4. Edit and save the template.
  5. Import the template.

Form Sheet

Printing a Form Sheet to PDF and Excel

Precondition: Form Sheet was created.

  1. Open the Print settings dialog.
  2. Select the output format.
  3. Click the Browse… button.
  4. Select the content orientation.
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