Creating a Test Specification

Creating a Test Specification
  1. Open the Create new Test Specification.
  2. Select the template language.
  3. Select type definitions.
Creating Test Groups

Precondition: A Test Specification was created.

  1. Open the Add Test Group dialog.
  2. Set the Responsible employee (optionally).
Creating Test Cases

Precondition: A Test Group was created.

  1. Open the Add Test Case dialog.
  2. Enter a name.
  3. Enter a Text, a Pre-condition and an Expected Result.
  4. Set the Responsible employee (optionally).
Creating Test Steps

Precondition: A Test Case was created.

  1. Open the Add Test Step dialog.
  2. Enter a name.
  3. Enter a Text, a Pre-condition and an Expected Result.
Creating Test Runs
  1. Open the New TestRun dialog.
  2. Set an appointment for the execution.
  3. Select a Priority.
  4. Set the Responsible employee (optionally).
Adding and Deleting Test Cases -Suites and -Groups to Test Runs

Precondition: Test Runs were created.

  1. Set Active States.
  2. Drag & drop Test Case/-Suite or Group on a Test Run.
Creating Test Conditions

Precondition: Test Run was created.

  1. Open Add test condition dialog.
  2. Enter Test condition.
  3. Enter TARGET value.
  4. Enter ACTUAL value.
Executing Test Runs

Precondition: Test Run was created.

  1. Set the Approved State.
  2. Open the Test Run execution window.
  3. Start Test Case.
  4. Rate Test Steps.

Additional Functionality

Linking Requirements

Precondition: Requirements and Test Cases were created.

  1. Open the Test Specification.
  2. Navigate to the PSS view.
  3. Drag & drop Requirements.
Deleting Relations of Test Cases and Requirements

Precondition: Requirements and Test Cases were linked.

  1. Click the cell with the Test Case to be deleted.
  2. Navigate to the Traces tab.
  3. Delete the desired trace.



Precondition: Test Run was created.

  1. Export the Test Run to Excel.
  2. Edit Excel.
  3. Import Excel to SOX.

All yellow marked fields can be edited in Excel. The fields Test executor, Date of implementation, Test evaluator, Evaluation date will only be read from the first page of the document during import.

The value selected as result always refers to the complete test case, there is no separation by test step.

Test executor and Test evaluator names must be exactly the same as in SOX, otherwise names cannot be saved correctly. It is also necessary for this purpose that the corresponding employees are stored in SOX.

The names of indiviadual sheets in the document must not be renamed as well as the document name, since this is the connection to the test cases in test run.

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